Manisa Turkish
The Turkish Language and its Grammar explained for English Speakers.
To all our Turkish Learners I say Allahasmaladık!
Due to ill health I have to retire from Manisa Turkish Webmastering.
Nathan will be taking over , so look out for some changes.
I wish you well and many thanks for the many inputs and suggestions to improve Turkish learning over the last 18 years.
Happy Turkish Learning to every one - it takes a lifetime...
You can Google the author from the bottom if you wish.
Happy learning - John Guise, Kawerau, New Zealand.
Manisa Turkish answers some of the difficulties which Turkish learners may encounter along their way.
Wikipedia says: "The best website for learning Turkish with detailed explanations."
Consonant Changes
Consonants may change for ease of pronunciation before vowels.
k → ğ p → b
Suffixes change spelling to harmonize with the parent word.
Suffix HarmonyVowel Harmony
The vowels of suffixes must mirror the final vowel of the root word being suffixed.
Their corresponding front / back sounds form the basis for vowel harmony rules.
Vowel HarmonySuffixes of Location
These suffixes show motion towards, motion from and static location.
Suffixes of LocationFormation of Turkish Spatials
"here and there"
Buffer Letters
Certain consonants are inserted as "buffers" between vowels.
These buffers are always Y, N, S.
Buffer LettersVerb Tenses
Suffixes are added verb stems to indicate its positive or negative form.
Present Future PastPersonal pronuns are suffixed to tenses to incicate person
Personal PronounsVerb Moods
Further suffixes are then added for tense and person.
Further moods - may, might, can, can't, must - are added to produce a new verb.
Turkish Alphabet
Consists of twenty-one consonants and eight vowels.
The Turkish alphabet is phonetic as each letter always retains it own sound.
AlphabetArticles and Gender
There is no definite article "the" as a subject.
Grammatical ArticlesThere is a specifier "the" as a direct object suffix.
Direct ObjectOwnership
There is a Reflexive Genitive in Turkish where both the "possessor" and "possessed" are suffixed.
OwnershipTurkish Possessive Contructions explained